Represented by Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City
Jim Kempner Fine Art, New York City
Mad Abstract – Six pieces by Don Kimes included in this ehibition, which
also included works by Louise Bourgeois, Mel Bochner, Sam Francis,
Charlie Hewitt, Mary Heilman, Jay Kelly, Sol Lewitt, Rafa Macarron, Jerry Mischak, Elizabeth Murray, Susan Oehme, Jenn Pirrello, Fred Sandback, Chris Santa Maria, Paula Scher, Frank Stella, Catherine Schumer, Cy Twombly, Jim Watt and Stanley Whitney
Boom Contemporary, New York City
ACI Gallery, Corciano, Italy
Inner Sanctum Exposed
Singapore Global Art Fair, MK Gallery Booth
Pieve International Center, Corciano, Italy
Primo Secundo,
Margalit-JVP, NYC
Mercedes Matter Award Exhibition
(Juried by Christine Berry, Nico Wheadon, Paul Efstathiou, Akeem K.
Duncan, Gwenolee Zürcher, Florence Lynch)
Boom Contemporary, Artsy Exhibition
Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City (solo)
Remixing Abstraction: Cheating the Banal
Prince Street Gallery, NYC
50 Years of Prince Street Gallery
Sense Gallery, Washington, DC "O" (solo)
Baltimore/Washington International Airport, Flight School
MK Gallery, Vienna, Virginia (solo)
It's All One River
Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY
Kimes'[ 10' x 15' piece Equality rose above the stage during the finale of Candide. Collaborative performance with a full symphony orchestra, as well as the opera, theater and dance companies (audience of approximately 4,000 people).
K Gallery, Washington, DC (solo)
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Denise Bibro Fine Art New York City
Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City (solo)
Finding Memory, New Works by Don Kimes
Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City
NY Studio School Galleries, New York City (Jennifer Samet/Stephen Harvey
Stephen Harvey Fine Arts Projects/Eric Firestone Projects curators)
Chautauqua Institution Amphitheater, Carmina Burana
(Collaborative performance with a full symphony orchestra,ballet company, opera company, and a theater company)
Joan Hisaoka Gallery, Washington, DC
Fowler Kellogg Gallery, Chautauqua, NY
Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, Augusta, Georgia (solo)
Denise Bibro Fine Art New York City
Weeks Gallery, Jamestown, NY
Corpus Christi Projections, (solo) (approximately 40,000 attendance)
Corpus Christi, Texas
Denise Bibro Fine Art New York City
Barry Gallery, Arlington, VA
Fondo del Sol Gallery Washington, DC
Fondo del Sol, Washington, DC (solo)
Marlboro Gallery, Largo, MD
Fondo del Sol Gallery Washington, DC
Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City (solo)
Don Kimes: New Works
Rueda Museum, Madrid, Spain
Burchfield-Penney Museum, Buffalo, NY (new acquisitions)
Galleria ExMoenia di Giuliana Dorazio, Todi, Italy (solo)
Katzen Museum, Washington, DC (solo)
Fowler-Kellogg Galleries, Chautauqua, NY (solo)
Don Kimes + 5 (solo)
Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York City
Prince Street Gallery, New York City
DeLuce Gallery Maryville, Missouri (solo)
Frederieke Taylor Gallery New York City
Color as Structure
Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center Washington, DC
Strohl Art Center Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY
Martin Luther King Library, Washington, DC
Hillyer Art Space, International Art & Artists Washington, DC (solo)
Katzen Center for the Arts Washington, DC (three person performance
with Don Kimes, pianist Jerzey Sapievski, political pundit Robert Bennett)
Rotunda Gallery Katzen Center for the Arts Washington, DC
Strohl Art Center Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY
Galleria ExMoenia Todi, Italy
Bizziri Ceramica Citta di Castello, Italy
New York Studio School Galleries New York City
Carola van den Houghten New York City
Herritt Center Museum for the Arts Twin Falls, Idaho (solo)
catalogue essays by Gerard Haggerty, Hearne Pardee, Barbara Rose
Chautauqua Center for the Visual Arts, Chautauqua, NY, (solo)
Lohin Geduld Gallery New York City
Katzen Arts Center Museum, Washington, DC
Lohin Geduld Gallery New York City
Katzen Arts Center Washington, DC
Elizabeth Roberts Gallery, Washington, DC (solo)
Constitution Hall Washington, DC (solo)
Kimes 8’ x 12’ steel construction presented in conjunction with Washington Opera Company premier of Beethoven’s Fidelio)
Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea Florence, Italy
Montpelier Center for the Arts Laurel, Maryland
NY Studio School Galleries New York City Alumni Exhibition
Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea Florence, Italy (Awarded Medici Medal)
NY Studio School Galleries New York City
Logan Galleries (solo)
Chautauqua, NY
Bratton Theater Chautauqua Institution
Logan Galleries Chautauqua, NY
Sala Palazina Corciano, Italy
Stephan Gang Gallery New York City (solo)
Dartmouth College, Jaffe, Fried & Straus Gallery Hanover, NH (solo)
Abramson Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center, Washington, DC
William Calfee Foundation Performance (featuring Kimes’ 8’x 20’ piece “Sequences”)
Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea Florence, Italy
New York Studio School Galleries New York City
Art 901 Washington, DC
Logan Galleries Chautauqua, NY (solo)
E.J. Vaughn Associates Gallery New York City
Exhibition included works by Jake Berthot, Rackstraw Downes, Judy Glantzman, Glenn Goldberg, Margaret Grimes, Don Kimes, Stanley Lewis & others
Claudia Carr Gallery New York City (solo)
Montpelier Center for the Arts Laurel, Maryland (solo)
Kennedy Museum of Art Athens, Ohio
University of Maryland College Park, Maryland
McClean Project for the Arts McClean, Virginia
International Visions Gallery Washington, DC
Goya Girl; Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore Museum of Art Baltimore, Maryland
Boyden Gallery St. Mary’s College, Maryland
Maryland Arts Place Baltimore, Maryland
Goya Girl; Baltimore, Maryland
McClean Project for the Arts McClean, Virginia
Sala di tres Archi Corciano, Italy
Harper Center Galleries South Carolina (solo)
Kouros Gallery New York City
Kouro Kouri
Galleria Rocca Paolina Perugia, Italy (solo)
(catalogue with essay by Barbara Rose)
America Haus Munich, Germany, (solo)
Watkins Gallery Washington, DC (solo)
Anton Gallery Washington, DC
Prince Street Gallery New York City
NY Studio School Galleries New York City
Galleria ISA, Montecastello di Vibio, Italy (solo)
Corcoran Museum Biennial Auction Exhibition Washington, DC
Piazza Broletto Perugia, Italy
Living Art Milan, Italy
Galleria ISA Montecastello di Vibio, Italy
Keuka College Galleries Keuka, New York
Corcoran/Washington Project for the Arts/Rockville Arts Place, Washington, DC
Casa di Cultura Villahermosa, Mexico (solo)
Formas, Naturales, Abstracion
(Organized by the Instituto di Cultura and Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico)
Cy Katzen Gallery Washington, DC (solo)
Concept Gallery Pittsburgh
Prince Street Gallery New York City
Logan Galleries Chautauqua, NY
National Academy of Sciences Washington, DC (solo)
Form, Nature, Abstraction
(catalogue essay by Gerard Haggerty)
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
Michael Rockefeller Gallery SUNY Fredonia, NY (solo)
Hutchins Gallery, Port Washington, NY
Detroit Design Center Detroit, Michigan
Washington Project for the Arts Washington, DC
Patrick Stevens Key Gallery Detroit, Michigan (solo)
Patrick Stevens Key Gallery Detroit, Michigan
Prince Street Gallery New York City
Gaumann Cicchino Gallery Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (two person)
Peter Agostini and Don Kimes
Addison Ripley Gallery Washington, DC
Watkins Gallery Washington, DC
Inner Gallery New Britain, Connecticut
Watkins Gallery Washington, DC (solo)
Gaumann Cicchino Gallery Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Rockville Arts Place Rockville, Maryland
Prince Street Gallery New York City
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
Ten Worlds Gallery New York City
Inner Gallery, Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut (solo)
Ammo Artists Space New York City
(curate by Lawrence Alloway)
Robert Forrest Gallery Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
(catalogue essays by Hearne Pardee and John Arthur Shanks)
National Academy of Design New York City
NAD Annual
Baltimore Museum of Art
Washington Square Galleries New York City
New York Studio School Galleries
Lucky Strike New York City
Subject to Painting
New York Studio School Galleries
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
Westminster College Gallery New Wilmington, Pennsylvania (solo)
Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn, NY Paperworks
Arsenal Gallery, New York City (catalog essay by Lawrence Alloway)
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
Weatherspoon Gallery North Carolina
Hudson Highlands Museum Cornwall on Hudson, NY
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
Fletcher Copp New York City
Prince Street Gallery New York City
Prince Street Gallery New York City (solo)
World Trade Center Customhouse Exhibition
National Art Association New York City, curated by Sur Rodney Sur
Artery Collection Washington, DC
Livingston Biddle (founding chair, National Endowment for the Arts) Washington, DC
Gunter Blobel Collection (Pulitzer Prize in Physiology) New York City
Burchfield Penney Museum Buffalo, NY
University of Chicago
Chautauqua Institution Chautauqua, NY
Connecticut State University New Britain, Connecticut
Fondo del Sol Washington, DC
Fowler Collection Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Forrest Gallery Palm Beach
Hank and Carol Goldberg Collection Washington, DC
Ira Hirsh Collection Washington, DC
I.B.M. New York City
Universidad Juarez Autonoma Villahermosa, Mexico
Martin Luther King Memorial Library Washington, DC
Cyrus and Myrtle Katzen Collection Washington, DC
Lane & Edson Washington, DC
M.I.T. Boston, Massachusetts
Patricia McBride (2015 Kennedy Center Honoree), North Carolina
Regione Dell’ Umbria Italy
Rockefeller University (Science for the Benefit of Humanity) New York, NY
Rueda Museum Madrid, Spain
Barbara Rose New York City
Washington College of Law Washington, DC
Washington University St. Louis, Missouri
Watkins Collection Washington, DC
Westminster College New Wilmington, Pennsylvania

Hillyer Art Space Galleries, Washington, DC
Jerry Saltz and Don Kimes in Kimes' studio,
Fowler-Kellogg Galleries, The Chautauqua Institution
Prince Street Gallery, New York City, 1993
Don Kimes deals with recovery and reinvention, resurrection and recreation - the image literally regenerated by nature and intention.
Julie Langsam
Statement for exhibition “Color as Structure”, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, NYC, curated by Julie Langsam

Chautauqua Institution performance with Martha Graham choreographer Kevin Keenan
Montpelier Art Center Galleries, Maryland, 1999
Kimes achieves an iconography of long term turbulence, not immediate agitation,
which gives us a sense of the earth's age, rather than recent dissarray.
Lawrence Alloway
(from the catalog for a 1983 exhibition at the Arsenal Gallery in New York City)

Right: Old Litanies, New Litanies
Collection of the Burchfield Penney Museum, Buffalo, NY Left: Monoprints

Don Kimes, Carol Goldberg, Senator Chuck Schumer and Denise Bibro
at Kimes exhibiton Finding Memory
Denise Bibro Gallery, New York City

Hrag Vartanian, Editor/co-founder Hyperallergic and Don Kimes in the studio

Equality, 2018